Treatment with Qi, acupressure, Gua Sha (traditional detox method) for acute and chronic diseases
Health coaching such as advice on diet, stress management, etc.
Therapeutic support regarding emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of health and illness
Classes in Fan Teng Gong, a traditional Qigong system, which is particularly suitable for the promotion of health: for the prevention and also for the healing of serious diseases
When can qigong and treatments based on qi help?
Qigong and treatments based on qi such as acupressure are a good way of treating acute as well as chronic conditions.
We frequently see and treat the following conditions:
Complementary treatment for strengthening the overall body condition before, during or after conventional cancer therapy (surgery, cytostatic/ radiation and/ or immune therapy)
Cardiac arrhythmia, palpitations (stress-induced)
Digestive and gastrointestinal disorders of all kinds
Fatigue and constant tiredness, burn-out symptoms - including Post-Covid and Long-Covid symptoms
Menstrual problems, menopausal symptoms such as hot flashes
Insomnia, emotional problems such as feeling depressed often or having anxiety attacks
Migraines and headaches
Neck or shoulder pain, back or joint pain
Frequent colds
Skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis
What does it cost?
You can contact us at any time for an information phone call. If you come for treatment, these are the fees:
One-time initial medical history / consultation (about 1.5 hours): 120 Euros
Any further treatment (one hour or 1.5 hours depending on treatment): 80 Euros /120 Euros
Since 2013 I have been teaching Qigong / Fan Teng Gong
2006-2016 Training and intensive practice of various qigong systems and health applications of qi and qigong with Master Guo Bingsen and Edith Guba, Dao Yuan School of Qigong, in particular the major systems Fan Teng Gong (2006-2007) and Nei Jing Gong (level 1-3, 2008-2014); the training of Nei Jing Gong and the daily practice of qigong is a major basis to teach Fan Teng Gong effectively.
As of January 2016 free-lance as "Heilpraktiker" (alternative practitioner) and Qigong teacher November 2015 exam as Heilpraktiker (alternative practitioner) Studies and training in Chinese Medicine Continuous studies and training with regard to emotional, psychological and spiritual aspects of health Spiritual training, daily practice of meditation and work on personal development
1997-2012 international management experience with global health care companies; intercultural experience with long-standing regional focus Asia-Pacific (in particular China, Korea, Vietnam); in parallel continuous intensive training in coaching, counselling, systemic therapy and systemic management
Formal education:
Master of Political Science, Free University Berlin
Master of Business Administration "European Management", Berlin School of Economics und Southbank University London
For further information contact Andrea Lang phone +49 030-61209911 mobile +49 0151-43122376 [email protected]